Wednesday 2 September 2009

A timely reminder why employee engagement matters

Executives and managers in Brisbane are being invited to attend a business breakfast where they will be told how to engage and reward their people in tough times. We need to see lots more of these sessions in the UK where thought leaders in communications and employee engagement can explain why employee engagement matters - especially in a challenging market environment.

Perhaps in the UK the message to promote interest and get business leaders to such a session should be "How better engagement with your people can boost your business". Regardless, the thinking behind the Brisbane session is excellent. Its organiser, the General Manager and Co-Founder of Pure Source Recruitment, Tracey Montgomery, hit the nail on the head in explaining why employee engagement matters:

“With redundancies and pay freezes lurking in the shadows of Brisbane’s corporate market, employee morale is under threat and this can be very dangerous to firms’ bottom lines,” she says.

“A lot of employers think because it’s a tight job market at the moment, they don’t have to try as hard to engage with their employees. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Employers need to sustain a strong corporate culture to ensure their firms continue to run efficiently and effectively in this tough market.

“With most workplaces going through tough times, employee morale and spirit may be low so there has never been a more crucial time to remind firms how to effectively engage and reward employees.”
Perhaps more internal communicators in the UK should be taking a lead in organising similar events here.



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