Saturday 19 June 2010

Six months on...

It's been over six month since my last post here, so now seems a good time for an update.  It was not so much a lack of interest in blogging as a feeling that my activity at work was not something I should write about publicly at the time. 

All communicators doubtless understand the need for discretion and to observe the requirement to keep certain business matters confidential.  If we don't then how can our senior stakeholders freely share with us the essential background information we need, with confidence?  We communicators who blog about what we do must always be mindful that we tread a fine line, between sharing our professional experiences appropriately and revealing more about the challenges our companies or organisations are facing than we should.

As with many companies in the current economic climate, my employer has not enjoyed an easy time of things in recent months.  The loss of a major contract in January provided me with sufficient engagement challenges to keep me busy for some time.  In addition to the open and honest internal communication about what this loss meant for the business there were the business-as-usual requirements of supporting HR with the TUPE activity as colleagues transferred to our former client.

Barely had that detailed piece of work come to an end that a difficult restructuring programme commenced.  With the colleague population already feeling bruised and concerned by the loss of our biggest client, it had become necessary to reshape the business.  Regretably this would involve not only transformation on an extensive scale, but redundancies for a number of our colleagues too.  As many communicators who have undertaken this type of activity will confirm, you feel an overwhelming duty of care to your colleagues who are departing and you push yourself to bring your influence to bear to ensure the process is as smooth and considerate as possible.

Now that process is complete the communications plan is focused on re-establishing stability and supporting the growth agenda of the reshaped business.  While it is straightforward to align the engagement activity to the corporate plan it's not an easy task to move colleagues' minds on from what has gone before, but that is where I find myself today. Hopefully circumstances will make it easier to blog more regularly now, so do visit again soon.



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